Feb 28, 2023
If your month or quarter or year hasn't gone to plan...
This is the pep talk you need.
Plus 3 action steps to help you move forward.
You've got this, Boss.
Coach Holly
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Feb 24, 2023
Have you ever thought to yourself, okay, I set an income goal. Now what? How do I actually make that happen?
If that’s you, you're going to love this episode.
We are diving deeper into the numbers of your business and the actual map behind hitting your income goal.
The topic of this episode is based on...
Feb 21, 2023
The fatest way to burnout is by starting every single week with a long to-do list and then just chipping away at it every day, hoping you make it to the end by Friday.
This is exactly what I used to do and it was NOT good.
I felt like I was constantly chasing tasks and racing against the clock.
When I decided to take...
Feb 17, 2023
Get ready for a REAL look behind the curtain in this episode.
I am breaking down exactly why I decided to pull a huge launch in September 2022.
This episode is going to be a really good listen for you if you are a natural hustler, if you are someone who loves being busy, loves the high of launching something and putting...
Feb 14, 2023
It's case study time!
In this episode, I'm going to be walking you through exactly how one of my private clients signed TWO dreamy coaching clients in a week.
Specifically, I'm going to be outlining 5 specific strategies she used to stay consistent and make this happen.
We're going to dive into: