Nov 27, 2020
Today’s talking point:
A huge welcome to the first-ever LIVE episode first ever of my brand new weekly series, “Boss Baby Talk.” I am streaming this on Instagram and also recording for the podcast as well, which is super exciting.
I am so excited for this series, in this first episode, we're basically going...
Nov 20, 2020
Today’s talking point:
2020 is wrapping up and a lot of people are talking about goal setting and what they want to achieve in 2021... I know madness, right?
Before we even get there, I wanted to touch on something that my Busy to Boss Academy students really love right now: the law of attraction. Mindset is such a...
Nov 13, 2020
Today’s talking point:
So in this episode, I want to add to a list of all the things that you can stop doing... the things that really won't make a difference in growing a successful business or being a successful business owner.
I'm speaking from so much experience on this because personally, I have wasted a lot...
Nov 6, 2020
Today’s talking point:
Would you love to know how to have multiple successful launches with a small audience? Would you love to know how to monetize a small audience? Whether you are just getting started with an online business or you've been at this for a while, if you:
-have a small audience
-haven't paid...