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Busy to Boss Podcast

Dec 18, 2020

Today’s talking point:


Welcome to another edition of boss baby talk. So you asked, I listened. The biggest question that I have been getting so far about running my business whilst being pregnant is:


- How are you planning for time off? 

- How much time will you be taking off how you plan for that financially? 


Dec 11, 2020

Today’s talking point:


In today's episode, I’m taking you behind the scenes of my morning and evening routine. This is a never before seen look at two topics I get asked about all the time. These have both been absolutely crucial for me, especially during this time in my life right now. How you set up and end your...

Nov 27, 2020

Today’s talking point:


A huge welcome to the first-ever LIVE episode first ever of my brand new weekly series, “Boss Baby Talk.” I am streaming this on Instagram and also recording for the podcast as well, which is super exciting. 


I am so excited for this series, in this first episode, we're basically going...

Nov 20, 2020

Today’s talking point:

2020 is wrapping up and a lot of people are talking about goal setting and what they want to achieve in 2021... I know madness, right?


Before we even get there, I wanted to touch on something that my Busy to Boss Academy students really love right now: the law of attraction. Mindset is such a...

Nov 13, 2020

Today’s talking point:


So in this episode, I want to add to a list of all the things that you can stop doing... the things that really won't make a difference in growing a successful business or being a successful business owner. 


I'm speaking from so much experience on this because personally, I have wasted a lot...