Apr 5, 2019
Have you ever followed someone you know on social media who is trying to build an audience, add value, and teach and you just notice that this person is much different or better in real life than they are on social media? I've met people that are this way, and there are a lot of reasons for it. Maybe they don't put as much energy into social media or it's not a priority for them.
But for those who are using social media for self-expression, building an audience and creating an influence, you can tell when someone is disconnected from their content. You don't get excited to watch or follow them or read their posts, you just tap away.
The goal is to make sure you're doing everything you can to talk to your ideal clients who are potentially going to be signing up for your programs or courses. You want your ideal clients to actually listen to what you have to say and feel so connected to you that when they meet you they say, "WOW. You're the same in person that you are online." Are you ready? Let's talk about how you can get more connected to your content.
THE BLOGGING BREAKTHROUGH FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/355647651558867/
A BRANCH OF HOLLY INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/abranchofholly/
BLOG IT BOSS IT RADIO SHOW NOTES: https://abranchofholly.com/blog/connect