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Busy to Boss Podcast

May 23, 2023

There’s a big reason why so many women entrepreneurs are finding themselves stuck in their business.

Despite all of the courses, all of the late nights, all of the Googling for answers, they find themselves unable to get past their current level of success…

… and they’re not exactly sure what it is that’s going to help them break through to that elusive Next Level where they have more revenue coming in the doors, more time back in their schedule, and the ‘dream life and business’ they have been promised.

To get you ready for Day 2 of the Abundant Action challenge, we are going to start by looking at what I have observed with women entrepreneurs who are feeling stuck in their business.

The statistics show that it’s not uncommon to get stuck at a certain level of success.

If you're ready to move from mainenance mode to growth mode in your business, I need you to tune into Day 2 of the Abundant Action challenge because we are going to go deep into:

  • How to free yourself from the swirling vortex of overwhelm that's keeping you up at night
  • The simplest and most effective exercise to prioritise your tasks
  • How to figure out your weekly BOSS score & why it's so important

Get ready for a hack that will change your life.


All replays are available so even if you're listening later on in May, you can still sign up and catch up!