Apr 19, 2019
Today’s question for the podcast:
How do you deal with overwhelm and overabundance of information? It
seems like I have to do so much; social media (which is a monster
in itself), creating e-books & courses to earn money, mailing
lists, posting regular quality content, lead magnet creation,
technical knowhow, affiliate sponsorship pitches. I quit my 9-5 so
I would have full time hours to work on this, and I still feel like
there is not enough time to handle all of these things – how does
anyone do it?
Sharing your story has so much value, especially through social
media, using your platform to teach educate & inspire is powerful.
In this episode I’m opening up, being honest and vulnerable because
I don’t want any listener to have to go through this. Let's talk
about how to get over physical, mental and emotional burnout.
BLOGGING BREAKTHROUGH FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/355647651558867/?ref=bookmarks
A BRANCH OF HOLLY INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/abranchofholly/
BLOG IT BOSS IT RADIO SHOW NOTES: https://abranchofholly.com/blog